Howl at the Moon to She-Wolf Prime as Lisa Rosynsky swam 100x100 yards today in NJ! 3 Hours and 44 Minutes of swimming. Notably, L-Ro knocked down this swim at an average pace of 1:47 pace... WOW! Just Wow! One more Wow on that... Howl out to Jiffy for his performance at the D&R Canal Park 5K run in NJ where Matt Lubiak took First Place Overall with a blazing time of 19:43!!!! Howl out to Beanstalk for, on Saturday, Jack Colton did his first ever group ride. Yes, ever. For that ride, the Rocky Mountain Wolfpack headed up the iconic, 4.5 mile (1,600 Feet of Elevation Gain) Lookout Mountain climb in Golden. Van Wilder and I were pushing pretty hard and about 3.5 miles in, Beanstalk came flying by Connor Franke and I to take the day with a 26:11 (to our 26:30 pace). Unbelievable first ride for Beanstalk and an incredible climb up a hard mountain.
SHARK WEEK RESULTS Howl out to all those that participated in Shark Week. The Wolfpack, collectively, logged nearly 165,000 yards of swimming! Now the Winners! Congratulations to: 1) The Wife as Christine Kachinsky knocked down 22,319 yards in 427 minutes 2) Warhorse as Anthony Booth swam 20,851 yards in 371 minutes (Included two-5K days) 3) Lethal Weapon as Eli Madden swam 20,023 yards in 372 minutes First Place overall for both yardage and time won a Trek 9.9 Madone... Second Place Yardage, Warhorse, takes home a $50 Roka Gift Card and a Bag of Goodies Second Place Time Spent Swimming, Lethal Weapon, also takes home $50 Roka Gift Card and a Bag of Goodies Additionally, wanted to give another Howl out to Lethal Weapon. Eli joined the pack in October and, needless to say, his swim needed a lot of work. He has consistently gotten in 3+ swims a week and the results of that have led to a much improved swimmer. It is so nice to see progress and the last couple that I have done with the Rocky Mtn Pack have been pretty darn fast and long (one was 4K) yet Eli was there the whole time hanging on and sticking with it (i.e., keeping on, keeping on) and, like with everything, worked through the initial doldrums and is crushing it now! :)
WEEKLY VOLUME PODIUM Warrior Princess -- 10:44 (Cannot wait to see how Taylor Vernath does at her half-marathon coming up in less than a month. Will be a massive PR!) Beanstalk -- 10:37 Jiffy -- 9:12 (Matt Lubiak is a fast runner and what please me so much is to see that his weekly work which always was "run" loaded has shifted to a great amount of swimming and biking!) WOLFPUPS We've had several new pack members that all joined in the last 4 weeks or so and I decided to include an onboarding process to help them ramp up into structured training. Training this weekend with the Rocky Mountain Pack this weekend where we got a bike, swim, and run in together was awesome as I was able to see first hand the difference in capability from whenst we started at this in the Fall. However, I do recall the "what the heck am I doing" phone calls, emails, and texts. Therefore, in addition to the Wolp Pup channel I added on Slack, Bernard Delierre, who just recently crested the "I get this now" hill, has agreed to serve as an Ambassadawg and share his experience as well. Additionally, all of you are welcome to join that channel and provide any answers to questions that pop up. Don[t be shy. KITS The kits look awesome! Working to get a store set-up and will be available to purchase soon.
Races/Events -- Please update and add races and events as needed to the Wolfpack 2023 Schedule.xlsx -- HOWEVER, do not forget to put them in Training Peaks so I know you have an event or race coming up or are travelling for vacation or work.
Catching Up -- If you need to talk, don't hesitate to reachout via text or just call me (312-320-9606) or please use if you want more time to talk. Relentless Forward Motion
