Howl out to Mark Regester who just joined the Pack in mid-March and went over to Australia to compete in the IronMan 70.3 Geelong Aquabike!
Howl out to RJ Boergers who completed in the Love Half-Marathon in Philly (my bad, as I always thought the Love Run was an 8 miler, meaning that his 7:39 pace to come just over 1:40 for his time was even more impressive! :) Of note, RJ, an Assoc Professor at Seton Hall and author of "Finish Strong" has been the Wolfpack Athletic Trainer since late fall and has decided to start training with the Pack as he ramps up for IronMan Mt Tremblant!
Howl out to Mountain Goat Mary (Hoftizier) who won her Age Group at the KAren Hornbostel Memorial Time Trial (KMHTT) in Cherry Creek!
Howl out to Warhorse from competing in the New York Road Runner (NYRR) Run as One 4 Miler where, with no taper whatsoever knocked out a 7:13 pace!
Another Howl out to Warhorse (Anthony Booth) who made the trip out West from New Jersey to do some altitude training and really see what it is all about. After an RMTC swim on Friday morning, Boothy took on Lookout Mountain with Jack and I; then, got up and rode the Boulder 70.3 Course plus, at the end, we added the old Coors Classic Bike Race Course which features "The Wall" which is a steep hill out of Superior. Nothing like suffering! :)
Howl out to Skeletor (Jim Dion) and Tara (Chatty Cathy) Kamm who did the Randolph YMCA 100x100 (in Meters even) swim fest in New Jersey!
New Pack Members
In addition to RJ, from New Jersey, and Mary Hoftizier finally joining the Wolfpack, I am also excited to welcome Coloradoans: Kaitlin Buckley, Kellie Strawbridge, and Josh Hoeft! Please take a moment to welcome them.
Upcoming Races and Events Best of luck to Beeker (Dan Briner) who will be racing the Disney 10 Miler in Florida!
And, to this week's time trialers, best of luck to Skeletor who will be bringing everything to the 7.6 Mile Allamuchy Time Trial and to Mountain Goat who will be racing with me at the KHM Time Trial!
Tri-Season is upon Us
Although many of us have some local events and races on the horizon, many of us have big red circles around our early June events, in particular, IronMan 70.3 Western Massachusetts and IronMan 70.3 Boulder. As Dougin Walker shared on the prior Wolfpack Virtual Presentation that there is no better training than racing, don't shy away from any additional events or local races you want to jump into. B and C events and races are great opportunities to push yourself into that zone of discomfort which makes us faster. I always regret that, in 2019, the week after IronMan Santa Rosa, despite being in my best form ever, I decided to not race Jerseyman (which has always been one of my favorite races to do) as I was recovering and had IronMan 70.3 Connecticut on the horizon. I had a garbage race at Connecticut and then Jerseyman was cancelled until this year, so likely won't get to race it again. :(
Also getting out and swimming with swimmers, biking with bikers, and running with runners. There are group opportunities to jump into now that it is getting nicer. In Colorado, you have RMTC Saturday rides and Team Evergreen on Wednesday and Sunday. In New Jersey, you have TMB Tuesday and Thursday, Friends in Fitness (Alvaro), and All On.
Relentless Forward Motion