HOWLS Very happy to share that both Warhorse and Drago qualified for the 2023 IronMan World Championships in Nice, France!!!!!!!! Anthony Booth and Evan Vaughn competed at IronMan Wisconsin in the worst weather conditions I have ever seen. Freezing cold, rain, and wind. As many of the Wolfpack were on the course observing, we felt bad for being frustrated with our racers for being behind schedule as we were getting so cold! :) I always say that I was so happy to see Warhorse "have his day". At Mile 18, Boothy was being swept up by the Darkness Demons (complete with the black eyes) and Skeletor, his training partner, was able to pull him out of it to get him to finish strong, placing 8th M45-49. Drago persisted onward, after spending an hour on the side of the road on the bike course with a mechanical issue, to close out his day, with a sub-4 hour marathon to place 8th in M18-24! Although Warhorse is sticking with his plans to race 2023 IronMan Maryland, Drago will be competing and, as he is a 22 year old in the midst of opening up his new business in Colorado, F45 Training Arvada Ridge, he did post a Fund Me in an effort to get some help getting there. Drago - Taking another shot to get your pro card I see... :)
Very excited to welcome two new members to the Wolfpack who both have big red letter "A" next to IronMan 70.3 Happy Valley!
Jay Lynch, at 66 years old, had no choice to sign up for the race as he lives in Happy Valley, so he is excited to be joining the Pack. He just got his brand new Road Bike (Specialized Tarmac SL6) and a Zwift Hub; and, is going through that fun onboarding process we all like so much!
Mark Regester, 45 years old, lives in New Jersey and got connected with the Wolfpack as he swims Masters with Skeletor and Tara.
Please drop a note to welcome the new Pups to the Wolfpack!
WEEKLY VOLUME PODIUM Congratulations to our Volume Podium! Robin Hood -- 11:33 (Forrest did a bunch of skiing the week prior and went after it hard last week :) ) Beanstalk -- 10:35 Van Wilder -- 10:31 (Conner Franke is two weeks out from IronMan 70.3 New Zealand!) WARHORSE COMES WEST! Very happy that Anthony Booth is going to extend his business trip to Wyoming with a weekend stay in Denver to workout with the Rocky Mountain and Timber Wolfpacks. :) Friday -- 5:45 am RMTC Swim (Denver North High School) + Transition Run; then, Lookout Mountain Ride (9:00 am from 5658 Blanca Ct, Golden) Saturday -- 9:30 am Morrison (C-470 and Morrison Rd - Across from Gas Station (Bear Creek Climb) Sunday -- 8:00 am Carmody (50 Meter Pool) + 10:00 am Waterton Canyon (8 Mile Run) The more the merrier! KITS The kits look awesome and available as a one-piece kit and as a two-piece kit (The bottoms are tri-shorts, not bibs). I want to place the order, so please let me know whether you are getting a kit (but, still figuring out size) or are opting to not get one so I know. For ordering, please open up the Wolfpack Schedule and indicate so in the column next to your name -- Wolfpack 2023 Schedule.xlsx -- and include the size wanted -- Sizing ChartFull
Tri-Suit will be either
Order of 10-20 = $165.75 plus $15 shipping per.
Order of 21-50 = $153.00 plus $15 shipping per.
Pricing for the two-piece kits are as follows (Note, the two piece is a product called Axia which is a step down from the fabric they use for the full tri-suit.) Order of 1-4 = Top $107 + Shorts $113 = $220 plus $15 shipping per. Order of 5-9 = Top $85 + Shorts $90 = $175 plus $15 shipping per. Order of 10+ = Top $68 + Shorts $72.25 = $140.25 plus $15 shipping per. Races/Events -- Please update and add races and events in Training Peaks, so I know for sure, and, so everyone knows what everyone is doing, on the Wolfpack 2023 Schedule.xlsx
Catching Up -- If you need to talk, don't hesitate to reachout via text or just call me (312-320-9606) or please use if you want more time to talk. Relentless Forward Motion
